Archive for September, 2011

In Which I Try to Revive my Blog

Posted: September 26, 2011 in The Daily Grind
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It feels like eternity since I last updated this little corner in cyberspace. I got busy with work. I lost my blogging mojo. Or maybe I just got lazy.

But I am now back. For whatever it’s worth, I vow to keep this space alive. In a way, it has served as a way to chronicle some moments in my life; futile and momentous alike.

And this is the part where I throw in a totally unrelated picture just to make it look like I’m writing about something exciting here.

So for those who still care enough to visit this sanctuary (or maybe you’re just bored at work and chanced upon one of my shameless plugs) from time to time, just hang in there okay? There’s more to come.

*Crossing my fingers there really is more to come, coz life fucks me up that hard that I usually (and immediately) fail once I commit to doing something. Oh LIFE, such a PMSing bitch.