Archive for the ‘Thursday Thoughts’ Category

Things I can’t really say upfront to certain people…


  • A friendly yet unsolicited advice, GET OFF YOUR FUCKING HIGH HORSE! Honestly, you are not as good as you think you are. Not even close. You are weird and quirky but in a non-adorable way. Give yourself a favor and lose the attitude. And for Christ’s sake, get yourself a decent haircut!


  • I am so happy that you are trying to get out of your comfort zone and is now more open to experience new things. I know sometimes it appears like I am egging you on to become more spontaneous and act more (for lack of a better term) stupid, I just want you to savor your newfound liberty. I know and I have faith that you are still able to restrain yourself despite being more carefree. Continue living life to the fullest! 🙂


  • Thank you for trusting me, for opening up to me. We have never talked about our relationships THAT way before, mainly because I always wanted you to talk about it when you are entirely ready. That night only proved that you trust me enough to tell me all about it, and I appreciate the trust. You have so much patience and love in your heart, and I only pray that you remain strong despite all the trials. And when the load gets too hard to bear, you know I’m just one text message away.


  • Shape up, man! You have got to stop being a dead weight and start cleaning up after your own shit. We can only do so much for you. HELP YOURSELF! Don’t you put into heart all the motivational nad inspirational quotes that you share? I know that this is not entirely where you want to be, but as long as you’re here and not able to leave, you need to earn your keep. And don’t act all hostile towards the people who try to help you either. Appearing to be apologetic and humble will come a long way when you’re in deep shit. But honestly, if nothing else works for you here now, feel free to leave. Pursue your passion. I know you will be a lot happier when you go after what you really want.


What are things you wish you could say to people around you but just can’t?

I made exactly the same thing previously, if you’re keen you can read it here: Unsent Letters


Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.

I came across this quote and I just couldn’t help myself from being all cheesy and shit. This day is just so emotional triggered by a bad dream that woke me up crying at 3am.Bad juju be gone!

There are good friends in our lives and then there are those friends with whom we share a deepening friendship that goes beyond the average friendship. Faults are unseen, shortcomings understood, cross words forgotten, and omissions overlooked. Love exists in both types of friendhips yet the kindred spirits of a deep friendship provide a strength that weathers the absence of one another and provides a strengthening of spirits when needed. Reuniting means laughter, joy, and tears of the heavenly kind. Perhaps someone is waiting to be your kindred spirit…


Waaaah! I still cannot believe it’s already August. Time is slipping by real fast, I sometimes feel like I can’t keep up. But I am really excited for August because it’s my birthday month! Woot woot! 😀

Despite being very busy with work for the past two weeks, I am not complaining. I just turned one with Deutsche Bank last July 18, so that’s one thing to be happy about. 🙂 And this month is also looking great, so far.

I am sooooo looking forward to my long vacation! I am going home to visit my family in the province from 18th to 30th of this month. That’s more  than two weeks of home loving with the fambam and excited is an understatement of how I feel right now. I might be also learning how to drive manual *crossed fingers*.

And there’s all the home-cooked meals I need to devour. And the all the seafood! God, I can’t wait! 😀

So cheers to a legendary August, yeah? 😉





There are things in life that just can’t be achieved in an instant. Saving up for a house, getting over a heartbreak or maybe as simple as venturing to unfamiliar places – these things might take time to accomplish. But this doesn’t mean they can’t be done. With continuous effort and perseverance, those things that were seemingly unattainable on the onset will be ticked off on your to-do list one by one. Little by little. Baby steps, my friend. Baby steps.



*Photo taken in Baguio City, Philippines


The weather in Manila has once again gone berserk. These past few days, it was pouring down hard. But today, the mighty sun’s rays pierced through my bedroom window and roused me from sleep before my alarm clock did. Annoying! Unfortunately, I had ~girly pains~ so I decided to go to work late, (12-9pm) instead of the usual 9am-6pm  shift.


The other day, I watched The Amazing Spider-man. Andrew Garfield is oh so hansummm! But Emma Stone elicited more squeals from me, heh. I just love her to bits. 🙂 But I like her more as a brunette. It’s as if the blonde hair softened her personality – well maybe that was the intention after all since the role she plays in this movie is not really a gutsy/ quirky one. In any case, the movie was still great. It was too great, I even dreamt about the slimy lizard villain. Ulk. Movie #37 out of my target 100 for the year. 🙂


Then yesterday was the hump-est of all Wednesday humpdays. I woke up feeling depressed and lost. I felt as if I am not having the most quality relationships. But then I keep questioning if I’m just being choosy and nit-picky. Bottomline: I keep liking people who don’t like me back. And the people who actually like me? I question their intentions and push them away. Bah! I just can’t with all these feelings.


It makes me wonder if I am already on the onset of my so-called quarter life crisis. For crying out loud, I am just about to turn 25 in more than a month’s time and this quarter life shite dares to show its ugly face this early on. Meh.


But then again, maybe it’s just the PMS… Oh the joys of being a girl!