Movie 2 of 100: Little Fockers

Posted: January 31, 2011 in 100 Movies
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It was a toss between Little Fockers and Gulliver’s Travel – which I fondly call Gullible’s Travel. Having been told by friends who watched the Gullible’s that it was “okay lang, pambata”, I insisted on seeing Little Fockers instead. I love Jack Black and all but I was just not in the mood for a sickeningly childish book-to-cinema adaptation.

Little Fockers also has its share of big names – Ben Stiller, Robert de Niro, Owen Wilson, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand, and Jessica Alba. Oh Jessica Alba. The hotness that is Jessica Alba who was conveniently named Andi Garcia plays the role of an unbelievably gorgeous drug rep selling an erectile dysfunction medication, Sustengo. She was hot, at the minimum. The scene where she was all drugged up, stripped down to her bra and pannies and jumped into the pit hole that was to be a backyard pool was also freaginn hot.

Little Fockers is one movie you cannot do an in depth review on, because really, the plot is as upfront as it can be. No surprises, no mind bending twists and turns. It’s just a continuation of the never ending tirade between Jack (de Niro) and Greg (Stiller), just an unnecessary sequel to Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers.

Jack suffers from heart attack, resuscitates himself (coz he’s an ex-CIA liek dut), sought for a patriarch to the Byrne’s family, resorted to appointing and further dubbing Greg as “The Godfocker”. Typical gag show acts were shown – someone barfs at the dining table, blood squirting over the freshly cooked turkey, and the total WTF bathroom moment where one of the Focker twins see his dad helping his gramps “go peepee”. Greg stabbed Jack’s weiner that won’t go down due to Sustengo. The Focker kid was scarred for life.

The movie was not incredibly witty. No stupendous musical scoring nor mind blowing wardrobe showcase. Hell, it was even peppered with old and unfunny comedic puns. But if you’re one who just wants to be entertained for a good hour and a half, go watch it. Ok? Bye! KNUCKLES! =)

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