Posts Tagged ‘pagbilao’

This is my way of reminding myself of the little things that recently made me happy as inspired by Helga.


Here are the things that made me happy this week:

  1. Canceled choir rehearsals. As much as I love singing with my choir, my work schedule this week makes it impossible to accommodate rehearsal time. Cancelling them means I will not miss much and I have less stuff to catch up on.
  2. DIMSUM! Specifically Lugang’s Pork Xiao Long Bao. I availed of Lugang’s Feast All You Can promo and feast I did! I am literally drooling as I type this because everything was so good I ate til I couldn’t IYKWIM.
  3. Finally finished editing and uploading my video montage during our weekend camping trip to Pagbilao, Quezon. I have been working on it for two weeks and midway, Adobe Premiere Pro decided to act up. I had to start from scratch but I am glad I got it all done and over with.
  4. The almost daily rain episodes. The heat is just so unbearable these days and I am so happy that it has been raining almost every day this week. God knows we ll need the momentary reprieve.
  5. iZombie! A good number of bloggers I religiously read have been mentioning how hooked they are to iZombie. I finally gave it a go and boy, am I entertained! So far, I am loving it.
  6. I finally jumped the gun and had a haircut. My hair just feels so healthy and light. And with the new (shorter) length, I was able to style it everyday this week.
  7. SPAM musubi! I have sheets after sheets of nori about to go bad – an S&R impulse buy. I was frying up some SPAM and realized I could probably turn it into a musubi. I only had brown rice but it still turned out so good.
  8. Earlier this week, I woke up with a painful knot on my back maybe due to my weird sleeping position. It hurt so bad and it makes me so uncomfortable but Cris had been giving me back massage for two consecutive nights now. WIN!
  9. Trivia Crack. It’s my newly-installed game I have been playing all day. It’s just so fun to answer random trivia and participate in friendly competition with friends.
  10. I am still surprisingly full from my bibimbap lunch at Seoul Express. Nothing exceptional about the food but for some reason, I was so content with it.

What are the things that made you happy this week?


Around two weeks ago, Vlad mentioned that he was planning on a weekend getaway with his High School friends. Since I was also free, I happily tagged along.

They initially planned on going to Cagbalete but a storm signal was raised on Thursday and the Coast Guard were not allowing boats to sail off. Everyone else was hell bent on hanging out at the port and wait til the Coast Guard raises the sailing ban. However, given my previous mishap with Quezon’s Coast Guard, I insisted we settle with a different beach. Our Plan B was Kuwebang Lampas and that is where we spent our Saturday night at.

We broke camp early on Sunday and after a very filling brunch at a floating restaurant, we made our way to Kamay ni Hesus. They persuaded me to climb up to the very top (never again LOL) and then we rewarded ourselves with Pancit Habhab at Buddy’s (Lucban.)

I managed to capture most of the weekend on video and condensed it in a 4 minute montage. Check it out below.


Have you ever been camping? Where is your favorite camping spot?